Having a decade or so of customer service experience under my belt, I understand the frustration that comes when you’ve worked a long, taxing day and a customer, generally of the Edmond-Mustang-Norman- mom variety, finds some reason to complain about you to whichever manager will listen. Generally, I feel like people in the service industry often deal with that work stressor by venting about the customer with their coworkers or developing a steady drinking habit. But apparently, that’s not the way Dr. Crane of Mustang Chiropractic operates.
MUSTANG, Okla. - A former patient of an Oklahoma chiropractor says the chiropractor is infuriated about ratings online and he’s taking things to another level.
A patient and his wife are both allegedly getting backlash for a three-star review about Mustang Chiropractic…
“This is concerning to say the least,” said Andrew Brown, a former patient of Dr. Eric Crane with Mustang Chiropractic…
Brown left a three-star review saying, “Nothing extraordinary in the end, but I ended up going elsewhere to be treated. Everyone ought to try physical therapy, chiropractors to find what works for them.”
But, Brown says Dr. Crane took offense and allegedly replied with, “I wish I hadn’t wasted my time on this because I didn’t realize you were so stupid. You are dismissed as a patient. Stick to urgent care. Moron. You don’t get it.”
First of all, isn’t Dr. Crane breaking HIPAA by commenting on Andrew’s public post by admitting he “wasted (his) time” in treating him and saying he’s “dismissed as a patient?” Now I ain’t no medical doctor and could be wrong, but it seems like Dr. Crane is as good at protecting personal medical information as he is insulting people on the internet. Come on, calling people “stupid” and “moron” behind the keyboard is the kind of stuff an 8th grade bully like Patrick says. Take some guidance from some of our favorite internet commenters and spice it up a little with some sarcasm or word play.
A man calling himself Dr. Crane left a voicemail message for Brown’s wife, leaving her shaken up.
“He didn’t realize what he was doing,” said the man on the voicemail. “Messed up my ratings. I’m pissed off about it. Help me out here. Tell him to go change his review or just delete it.”
Other reviewers apparently getting similar backlash.
Someone claiming to be the owner of Mustang Chiropractic also responded to somebody who left a one-star review calling them a coward, along with, “Karma will pay you back ten-fold. Kill yourself.”
Geeze, Dr. Crane must have enrolled in the same social media class as the people from Essence Salon! That comment is terrible on multiple levels, and again Crane’s internet insult gets zero points for originality and tastefulness. I don’t blame Andrew for leaving a truthful review after not feeling like he got the help he needed from Dr. Crane. I mean, some people argue chiropractic manipulation isn’t really scientific enough to heal anything anyway, but I’m going to hop off that soap box real quick before the internet finds me and leaves 20-30 anonymous hate comments on my post. I've got better things to do than respond to random people complaining on the internet.
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