While Oklahoma's focus is back on former OU President Boren's bullshit, President Gallogly is taking an undeserved victory lap for passing the year mark. This lean, mean lip-service machine chose not dwell on the negative; instead, the walk down memory lane was colored by rose-tinted shades provided by his conservative pals at The Oklahoman.
Via The Oklahoman:
NORMAN — A stately desk covered in folders, memos and spreadsheets keeps University of Oklahoma President James Gallogly tied to his office most days.
The 66-year-old was announced OU's 14th president a year ago Tuesday and officially began his new job nearly nine months ago. But Gallogly said he’s still getting used to the many hats he must wear while leading the state’s flagship university.
Transitioning from life running huge corporations to managing more than 24,000 students was more difficult than he expected when it was announced a year ago that he would succeed David Boren as president following his retirement.
I would imagine it would be hard to manage all those hats when you can't manage to pull your head from own asshole. But the Oklahoman clearly doesn't understand what's been happening at the school. Either that, or the Oklahoman is working as a douche bag's wingman in a nightclub full of desperate men. Gallogly's direct quotes shows him change from lovable to utterly loathsome.
Here's more:
“I thought this would be an easy job, and I wouldn’t work long hours,” said Gallogly, during a recent interview with The Oklahoman.
“Boy, was I wrong.”
No kidding.
For once, I have to say I agree with the man.
Also, you thought being the president of a university wasn't going to be a difficult job? This man has the same mentality of an idiot taking what he considers a blow-off class only to realize it's much more than what he expected. Ironic that they both deserve failing grades and scoffs.
But wait, there's more:
Since the beginning of January, OU has experienced a number of racist events that shook the campus, starting with two members of Tri-Delta sorority wearing blackface and using racial slurs on a video on social media.
The event sparked rallies and demonstrations on campus and hurried calls for sensitivity and diversity training among students, faculty and staff.
Hurried calls for sensitivity and diversity training? That's a funny way to express some people's demand for an immediate resignation of the president.

Also, the article dedicates extensive detail over the highlights while quickly recapping all of the racist acts in 7 sentences. If you're going to be up the president's ass, at least be more subtle about it when wiping the shit off your nose.
The Oklahoman may feel more dignified to express Gallogly's legacy in a respectful manner; however, I'm not with that publication. He is a white collar, ideological idiot with a blood-baron's sense of economics and empathy.
A year's past, so let's drink up and hope for another, more qualified person to succeed him.