You would think that we are above making fun of every single thing that falls out of Jim Inhofe's facehole here at The Lost Ogle. I assure you. We are not. Especially when he makes an entire asinine declaration of support for a measure in that could adversely affect Oklahoma. Today, we point to this gem from his Op-Ed in the Washington Post.
From the Washington Post:
The question is simple: Do you believe, as President Trump does, that we have a crisis on the southern border that must be addressed to protect American families?
I do — and I will be voting to support the president this week, because the case for the emergency declaration is clear.
From there, Inhofe spends multiple paragraphs providing Fox News inspired facts and figures about all the drugs and weapons and bad things flowing freely across our border to the South. If you have a bald eagle avatar on Facebook, you'll love it.
What Inhofe does not do is explain, exactly, why the President needs to use an emergency declaration to handle this mess, or why he didn't work with a Republican controlled congress in 2016 or 2017 to handle the so-called 'emergency.'
He continues to say:
The refusal of Democrats to give our Border Patrol agents and our immigration enforcement officials the resources they need to secure the border puts all Americans at risk. They left the president with no choice but to declare a national emergency, and he is on sound legal footing. Border security is national security. Illegal immigration continues to escalate, and the situation on our border is not improving, even as Democrats try to deny it. It is a legitimate crisis, and we must respond by providing the necessary resources to protect our citizens.
You mean to tell me that diverting necessary funds from FEMA and other emergency response initiatives and blaming the Democrats are your only solutions? Friendly reminder - Oklahoma is entering storm season. Should a tornado hit, recovery efforts often involve receiving federal disaster designations and relief funds; funds that may not be there if this plan goes through.
But what of our other senator, Lankford? Surely he recognizes that diverting funds from emergency management systems is bad for the state he represents. Nope.
From the Tulsa World:
U.S. Sen. James Lankford won't support the resolution heading to the Senate that would nullify the president's declaration of a national emergency, he said in a telephone town hall with constituents Monday evening.
Lankford said he concurs with President Donald Trump that the situation at America's southernmost border constitutes a national emergency.
Ok. So the best we can do is cross all our fingers and toesies that Planet Earth is dropping its vendetta against the I-44 corridor. If the worst should happen, we can rest easy on top of our rubble piles knowing that our Senators truly understand what constitutes a national emergency.