Last week, a graphic naming "The Best College Town in Every State" made the rounds again on social media.
As for Oklahoma, naturally, there was only one obvious option – Lawton. Yeah, that's right. Lawton has been dubbed the best college town in Oklahoma,
The best College Town by state:
— CFB Home (@CFBHome) March 3, 2019
Pop quiz and be honest here – what university is in Lawton? Yeah, we didn't know either. We had to Google it. Apparently, it's Cameron University. It has a Facebook page and everything. Check out these exciting photos showing the town's thrilling college life...

These photos are from the University's recent Homecoming Bon Fire / Fire Pit / Space Heater Bash. Those Fighting Aggies down in Lawton are absolutely raucous during their post-NCAA Division II game celebrations.
The graphic was put together by some website called They allegedly used data from the Census, Bureau of Labor and National Ministry of Boredom to determine the rankings.
Anyway, we are very sorry Norman, Stillwater, Edmond, Tulsa and Goodwell. Lawton has you beat. You all are going to have to start stepping up your game if you want to be the best college town in the state. Perhaps try hosting a sporting event that might attract a small crowd? Alternatively, having a super famous eatery or a popular nightlife & shopping hub nearby might give you a boost.
All in all, congrats Lawton for defying the odds and greasing the right clickbait engine palms to garner this great honor. But Lawton, a word of warning – do not get too comfy with this cozy little title. There are rumblings of rivalrous discontent from Weatherford and Shawnee. The SWOSU and OBU folks are notoriously competitive and will be out for blood.
Also, before melting down in the comments that clearly this survey is just flawed, please note that this same data named Louisiana's best college town as Metairie, a town which lays claims to a University of Phoenix location and pretty much nothing else. Your argument is moot, sir or madam. Good ol' U of P is the pinnacle of campus life. Clearly, this survey is spot on and wholly restores our faith in's data interpretation skills.