There are a lot of things about Oklahoma society that should probably be more regulated. Homeschooling should probably be more regulated. Who can legally acquire a firearm should probably be more regulated. How much ranch dressing a single human can consume in a 12-hour period should probably be more regulated. But something that doesn’t need so much regulation are the rights of consenting adults who are seeking things like medical procedures, customer service, or a damn good sex life.
Via the Enid News & Eagle…
Oklahoma was among 28 states to be ranked in the lowest category for LGBTQ equality in a study released Jan. 31 by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit focused on civil rights advocacy and lobbying for the LGBTQ community…
Oklahoma was ranked with 27 other states in the category "High Priority to Achieve Basic Equality," in part due to a spike in recent years of state laws and proposed laws seen by the SEI authors as restricting or seeking to restrict equality or civil rights for LGBTQ Oklahomans.
I have covered a lot of the discriminatory ass-hattery committed by our lawmakers over the last two years. From its laws that would allow agencies to refuse adoption by LGBTQIA+ parents and bills that attempt to allow businesses to discriminate based on “religious beliefs,” Oklahoma seems to be a pretty terrible place for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. But damn, I didn’t realize how much hate our lawmakers have actually tried to legislate.
The Oklahoma "SEI Report Card" noted a spike in the number of such "bad bills" introduced in the Oklahoma Legislature in the four-year period 2015-18, at 77 bills, compared to 11 such bills in 2011-14.
Laurette Taylor, interim executive director of the Freedom Oklahoma Education Campaign, said the SEI report "paints a grim picture of Oklahoma in terms of equality protections for LGBTQ adult and youth citizens of our state."
Holy nuts, 77 anti-equality bills in three years? What does our legislative body have against the LGBTQIA+ community, anyway? It’s not like they’re running around trying to push their belief system on school children or engaging in sexual assault an at alarmingly high rate. I mean come on, they’re not Oklahoma lawmakers.
Hayley is not an Oklahoma lawmaker. Follow her on twitter @squirrellygeek