We all have things we regret in life. Some of us regret not calling our grandparents enough before they passed away so maybe I could have inherited grandad’s 55-inch television instead of cousin Cody. Some of us may regret how we voted over the last 4-8 years. Most of us would probably regret beating the hell out of our "rowdy" landlord with a baseball bat during an anger-fueled rage. But not old Gilbert "Z" Peltz (pictured above).
A 72-year-old man charged with hitting his landlord with a baseball bat said he's not sorry it happened.
Gilbert "Z" Peltz had been renting an apartment from the Lentz family for nearly 35 years.
"I was dealing with the grandmother and grandfather originally," Peltz said.
However, recently, he said he had mostly been dealing with the youngest generation, Lloyd Lentz IV.
"There was just a difference of how things should be done between me and Chase, the grandson," Peltz said.
Peltz said Lentz was holding loud, late-night events at the property.
Come on, Z. You were just pissed because you weren’t invited over. You know if Lentz would have invited him to party a couple of times, everybody would probably be a whole lot happier about now.
Then one night, at about 2:30 a.m., Peltz said music and lights were coming from Lentz's shop next to where he was living, and he went to tell him to turn it all off.
"He was there, and so I took a baseball bat with me in case he got a little rowdy," Peltz said.
The affidavit states Peltz later admitted to deputies that "he lost his temper and confronted [Lentz]. That [Lentz] more or less dared him to hit him with the bat and the next thing he knew he had struck him."
"He starts hollering at me about, 'What are you doing with a bat? Are you going to hit me with that? You going to hit me with that? Hit me, hit me hit me' so, I hit him," Peltz said. "Just here on the shoulder."
Now this account of Lentz taunting is coming from Gilbert Peltz himself, a man who looks like a Santa Claus you'd see at Dollar General, so his words have to be taken with a grain of salt. But if it’s true, Lentz shouldn’t play poker, being that he couldn’t call a bluff if it hit him in the face. Or the shoulder…
Two days later, after talking to an attorney, Lentz reported the altercation to police.
The affidavit states, "He felt that no one had the right to attack another with a bat and not be held accountable."
Police reported Lentz "had no visible injuries at the time of the report."
Now, there is a warrant for Peltz's arrest.
"I'm not sorry about any of it," Peltz said. "Because I tried so long to resolve it without any result that I did what had to be done."
KFOR reported that old Gilbert Peltz was then evicted from his Logan County home. At least with the warrant, he’ll soon have a new place to stay a while.
No Ragrets. Follow Hayley on twitter @squirrellygeek.