Over the past couple days, we've received several dispatches from Ogle Moles alerting us to an amazing new music video released by Moore rapper Alison Richardson. She goes by the very original and unique stage name Barbie Doll.
Do yourself a favor and watch the video after the jump. The track is called "Barbie World." The song and video includes numerous references to the Oklahoma City metro, and does a great job depicting the hard-knock life faced by blonde girls from Moore who cruise around in Mustangs.
Check it out:
See what I mean? That's amazing. She may be the most gifted and talented student to graduate from Westmoore since Bibi Jones!
Anyway, this is usually the part of the article where we make fun of the monstrosity we just watched and crack a few jokes. We're still going to do that, but since we really really really really want Barbie Doll to become a viral, international success story, I'm going to offer up some constructive criticism and advice to help guide her career...

1. Choose a different name.
I'm not a copyright attorney who specializes in copyright law, but unfortunately, I don't think Alison can use or profit from the name Barbie Doll. I learned this the hard way when Hasbro sent me and Lorne Fultonberg a cease and desist for using the rap aliases Teddy Ruxpin and Grubby. Although they both accurately describe our looks and personalities, you can't profit off the name because the toy company owns the copyright. I'd suggest a different name like Koby Teeth or Westmoore Azalea.

2. Stay away from your old high school
I'm sure Alison's proud of her Westmoore roots, but now that she's 21, maybe it's time to move on from the high school days. The last thing she wants to become is David Wooderson from Dazed and Confused. Instead, I'd suggest she shoot future music videos at Rose State, OCCC or whatever junior college she'll find herself attending in five years.

3. Collaborate with Lawton rapper Knuckles...
It's been awhile since we've heard anything from our Lawton homeboy Knuckles. According to the Ogle Mole Network, he's been hard at work on a new rap opera called Catfish Twerkin'.
I'm not sure if Barbie Doll would wear "Cowboy Boot And Shorts" but I think they could come up with a cool collaboration that brings together the blossoming rap scenes of Moore and Lawton.

4. Constantly send your music to Kevin Durant
This will show that you're a real Thunder fan.

5. Find a new squad
As I mentioned, the video does an excellent job capturing Moore life. For example, what group of 20-something Moore residents hasn't pre-drank vodka in a pink-lit apartment before going out to the Okie Tonk Cafe for a night of binge drinking? That being said, Alison's friends come across as rude and boring. Rappers need a squad that people want to join, not avoid.
6. Work with Zero in a TLO Diss Track
One of the greatest moments in TLO history occurred when Okie Boy Goon "Zero" released a diss track about TLO and our former contributor Spencer Hicks. If Barbie Doll really wants to get famous, she should do the same thing.
So, what do you think? Good advice, huh? We wish Barbie Doll the best of luck in her future rap career. Please share this article and let's see if we can make her go viral. You can follow her on Facebook here.