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Ogle Madness

Ogle Madness X: Elite 8, Midwest Region

Ogle Madness X begins this morning with an epic match from the Midwest Region featuring the severe weather huntress vs. the nerd seductress!

(1) Olivia Munn vs (2) Lacey Swope

It's been great to see the careers of both of these women bloom and blossom since being discovered by TLO years ago. Who has the heart, guts and yellow dress to make it to the Final 4? Vote after the jump...

(1) Olivia Munn

Last Match: Defeated Moving Out Of Oklahoma 384-271

Who? Famous PC North Graduate

Strength: Very photogenic from the proper angle

Weakness: Turned down TLO interview request in 2008, delaying the explosion of her career.


(2) Lacey Swope

Last Match: Defeated Thunder Kiss Cam Girls 343-317

Who? News 9 Severe Weather Babe

Strength: Hunting animals

Weakness: Moving to Tulsa


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