I guess this explains why Steve Lackmeyer has been using a #SaveTheNipple hashtag.
According to a report by KFOR, First Christian Church – the beloved structure on NW 36th street that generations of Oklahoma City residents have come to know as "The Nipple Church" – is for sale and being targeted for possible redevelopment.
Landmark First Christian Church unsure about future after land goes up for sale
A piece of real estate in Oklahoma City has buyers dreaming, but a local congregation is now worried about their future.
"I got word about this yesterday afternoon. The words are 'I'm swooning,' because it's a rare, rare, rare opportunity," said Anne Wilson, a realtor.
The property near N.W. 36th and Walker is where the Jewel Box Theater, Trinity School and the Oklahoma Disciples Foundation reside.
The 32-acre property also includes the First Christian Church, which is a landmark known for its shape and history.
"This building is definitely one of the architectural icons of Oklahoma City. It gives us the distinctive architectural look that we have," said Lynn Rostochil.
You can't disagree with that. Any church that resembles a soft, plump, yet also perky bosom rocketing towards the heavens definitely has a "distinctive architectural look."
Knowing Oklahoma City's proud history of demolishing charming pieces of local architecture, people are naturally concerned about the future of the building and the juvenile comments and blog postings it creates:
The listing for the property isn't sitting well with Rostochil.
"The thing that alarmed me the most is that it said development potential, so I was kind of concerned about that,” she said.
She said she is worried it will fall prey to those who don't appreciate its history.
Even those hoping to have a stake in the $8.2 million property know its emotional worth.
"It has been a bustling spot, so we can expect a lot of heart ties to this," Wilson said.
Well Moles, what do you think it's going to become? CVS? Walgreens? On Cue? Hopefully the answer is "None of the above" and someone rich person steps up to #SaveTheNipple.