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Friendly reminder, Oklahoma politicians also like to plagiarize…

Day one of the Republican National Convention is complete. I guess the big news, outside of the standard bigotry and hate displayed and celebrated by delegates in the local newspaper, is that Trump's wife plagiarized Michelle Obama and Rick Astley:

Looking to capitalize on the web traffic, one of NewsOK's clickbait reporters threw together a slideshow of four notable Oklahomans who have been "accused" of plagiarism. They include:

T.W. Shannon: In 2014, Buzzfeed of all places revealed that TW Shannon, the once rising star of the Oklahoma GOP, plagiarized snippets from Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe's websites. This really didn't bother me all that much. Oklahoma politicians waste way too much time trying to chew up, swallow and regurgitate the words of those wackos. They should just save us all some time and copy and paste them.

Elizabeth Warren: Apparently she pulled a Pioneer Woman and plagiarized some recipes, therefore, she should probably get her own cooking show and line of pots and pans.

George O. Carney: This guy was a geography professor at OSU. I guess he was caught plagiarizing stuff in published papers. Yawn. Who cares.

David Simpson: Hey, we actually covered this one! He was the cartoonist for the Tulsa World and was caught blatantly plagiarizing ideas from other political cartoonists. Examples include:

jenksschoolforthe gifted

Okay, I actually made those back in 2011. Does that mean I'm plagiarizing my own work?

Anyway, back to that article I referenced. They only mentioned four Oklahomans who were accused of plagiarism. For some reason they left out these two perps:

mary fallin

Mary Fallin

As I mentioned in our 10 Odd Things To Know About Mary Fallin post, Mary Fallin plagiarized excerpts from a KOSU report about the last remaining survivor from the USS Oklahoma. It was such a big deal that Gan Matthews even investigated it.


josh cockroft

Josh Cockroft

In 2014, Josh Cockroft – the derpy state rep whose dream in life is to be the next Batkid – was caught plagiarizing, almost word for word, a paper from The Heritage Foundation in a newspaper column about marriage equality. To relate to voters, he even replaced some of the big person words with more simple language. After our article about the thievery, the Tecumseh Times... errr.... Tecumseh Countywide News chewed us out in an editorial for being unprofessional and taking cheap shots. It's one of the highlights of my blogging career.


Anyway, I'm not sure why left out these winners from their list of notable plagiarist. I doubt their political affiliation had anything to do with it, because you know, the Oklahoman is fair and balanced and trusted and all that good stuff, but I'm glad it happened because it gave me something to write about today. Thanks, NewsOK!

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