No wonder the Carter County Sheriff thinks everyone should buy a gun! We need to protect ourselves from powerful creeps like him in law enforcement.
In case you missed it, Mr. Indecent Proposal up there is soon to be former Carter County Sheriff Milton Anthony. He made the TLO news circuit late last year when he sent a bizarre letter to his constituents asking them to take up arms against "all enemies foreign and domestic."
He's now in a bit of trouble. Earlier this week, Milton was arrested for allegedly "bribing" a female employee in his department to sleep with him in return for hiring her husband as a deputy.
Via NewsOK.com:
Carter County Sheriff Milton Anthony could face prison time if he is convicted of bribing an employee — a woman nearly 40 years his junior — into having a sexual relationship with him in exchange for hiring her husband as a deputy.
The deal didn't last, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations agents said, and the district attorney's office became involved after Anthony threatened to demote Kelli Denney, 26, if she didn't continue the relationship.
According to court records, Anthony was arrested Thursday but has not been formally charged. He has since posted a $20,000 bond and been released from his own jail.
That's nice. You haven't made it as an Oklahoma sheriff until you have to post bond to be released from your own jail. Congrats to Sheriff Milton on this achievement! He should expect a certificate and medal from the Oklahoma Sheriffs Association very soon.
Seriously, is there are more corrupt, dysfunctional group in this state than our county sheriffs? It seems like we can't go a month without one of them doing something illegal, stupid or unethical. Oh... wait... what's that? The Oklahoma legislature is equally corrupt and dysfunctional? Yeah, you have a point.
The details of this story are really disturbing. Even though the sex was apparently "consensual," it almost feels like "Uncle Milton" should be charged with rape and extortion in addition to bribery. For example, when the employee wanted to call off the affair and not cheat on her husband, Sheriff Milton threatened to punish her by taking away her window cubicle and requiring her to work weekends and holidays.
Via NewsOK.com:
After months of sleeping with her boss, Denney “began making up excuses not to have … sexual relations with Anthony,” the affidavit stated.
The change of heart — Denney said she didn't "want to cheat on (her) husband" any longer — allegedly didn't sit well with the sheriff.
“Anthony began threatening to change Kelli's work duties, which would force her to work on holidays and weekends and insinuated he would fire her and (her husband),” the affidavit stated. “Kelli would then go back to having sexual relationships with Anthony.”
Court records show the final sexual encounter between the sheriff and Denney was April 15.
After the physical relationship ended, Denney began saving text messages from Anthony and began recording telephone conversations between them, all of which are now in the hands of prosecutors.
"I'm moving you out of the window and putting you back in the jail," the sheriff said in one recorded conversation. "When we first had this agreement and everything ... I said, 'You scratch my back and (I'll) scratch yours,' that's what I said. When you stop scratching, then I stop scratching. You see what I'm saying?"
In all fairness, the couple did have a binding, verbal agreement where she offered to provide sex in exchange for her husband getting a job. You can't really blame Milton for getting mad when she reneged on the offer!
KIDDING! KIDDING! This guy is an unethical, power abusing, douche bag. Hopefully he scratches the right backs when / if he ever goes to prison.