If Comedy Central ever brings back Reno 911, they may want to consider transferring Dangle, Weigle or Williams to somewhere in Oklahoma. Yukon would probably be a good place to start. The city doesn't have the highest standards when hiring police officers.
Yukon police officer back on the job after being convicted of assault
A Yukon police officer convicted of assaulting a woman is back on the job.
Zachary Bradford was suspended with pay when the incident happened back in November of last year.
His first day back with the Yukon Police Department was Saturday.
Bradford has been on suspension since the night he was arrested for dragging a woman out of a car by her hair.
According to police reports, the woman said she had been sitting in a car in the driveway during a party when Bradford came out of the house and knocked on her window.
The woman said she opened the car door and was grabbed by the hair and dragged onto the concrete driveway...
The woman told police she had never met Bradford before that night and didn't know why he attacked her.
Bradford left the scene on foot.
I have an idea. While they're trying to figure out ways to put a 10 Commandments Monument on the Capitol steps and raise taxes on the poor, can the Oklahoma legislature pass a law that forbids police departments and sheriffs from employing people found guilty of violent crimes? I believe in second chances and everything, but they probably shouldn't be the ones enforcing laws. These individuals should move into to private security industry and become bodyguards or bouncers instead.
Yukon is also dealing with an issue with one of its dispatchers. One was picked up at the Biltmore Hotel during an undercover prostitution sting.
Via News 9:
A dispatcher for the City of Yukon Police Department is out of jail Tuesday after getting arrested in a prostitution sting.
The Oklahoma City Police Department organized the undercover sting that took place Monday night.
Yukon Dispatcher, Ali Razavi was one of at least five people arrested near the Biltmore hotel in OKC.
“Often times Vice members will makes real arrangements with the hotel, to be able to conduct business there for the purposes of arresting people who show up for the purposes for prostitution,” said Oklahoma City Police spokesperson, MSgt. Gary Knight.
Razavi is out of jail today on a $500 bond. His attorney, Patrick Quillien, tells News 9 he didn’t have much to say about the case other than he still feels this is all a misunderstanding.
Yep, it was all just a big misunderstanding. I'm sure he was probably there to teach those prostitutes a lesson about morals, just like all those innocent guys we watched on To Catch A Predator.
In all honesty, I think prostitution should be legal and regulated, and not just confined to massage parlors and strip clubs on 10th street, so I don't have a problem with this dude keeping his job. He just wanted to get laid and decided to pay for it. What's wrong with that? Also, wouldn't the police dispatcher who's a recovering sex addict be a great Reno 911 character? Think of all the clever sexual double entendres he could dish out over the radio.
Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Other places in our state could be in the running. They could also set the show in Paul's Valley. I'm sure the Action Figure Museum could be the center of a plot point or two. For example, maybe Dangle moved there to be closer to his own action figures, or maybe he could dress an inmate like a deputy to help guard the museum.
Sheriff’s office employee fired after allegedly dressing inmate like deputy
The Garvin County Sheriff’s Office is one employee short, after a deputy lost his job for using an inmate to assist him with a jail transfer.
“It’s something I don’t take lightly. It’s unfortunate that is happened, but I have no room for that employee in my office whatsoever,” said Garvin County sheriff Larry Rhodes.
Rhodes said, in his six years on the job, he’s never had anything like this happen.
“He puts a ball cap on this inmate and gives the inmate his black jacket and has him sit there and help as he pulls into the sally port and picks up from immigration,” Rhodes said.
Garvin County has a contract with Immigration Customs and Enforcement, which requires two deputies present during a transfer.
On April 11th during an ICE transfer from Payne County to Garvin County, Rhodes said a deputy called off the second deputy and used an inmate to help instead.
Yeah, that's dangerous. We don't want petty criminals and drug users dressed as Oklahoma law enforcement officials. Then we won't know who to fear.
Anyway, I guess this concludes this post. Where do you think an Oklahoma reboot of Reno 911 should be set? Yukon? Paul's Valley? Some other screwed up place? We have plenty of options around here. Please let us know in the comments.