Last week, we reported that KSBI Channel 52 cancelled its local programming and fired most of its on-air and production staff. Included in the report, we published some emails that alluded to the station possibly being for sale.
Well, apparently David Griffin read our post, because he announced yesterday that Griffin Communications – the owner of News 9 – is buying the fledgling UHF channel. From an email Griffin sent to staff:
I am pleased to announce we have signed an agreement to buy KSBI from Family Broadcasting Group.Creating a duopoly in Oklahoma City has long been part of our strategy. This will be similar to the duopoly we have in Tulsa. Our plan is to focus on improving KSBI programming while integrating operations into our current structure and facilities.In addition, this purchase fits perfectly with our corporate strategy of focusing on media within the state of Oklahoma, and it will allow more flexibility for flipping of CBS and syndicated programming during breaking news and severe weather.The sale is expected to close later this year once we receive final approval from the FCC and we will take over operations at that time. Tony Welch will lead an integration team that includes representatives from all departments.If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Tony.
That's cool. I sure am glad Mr. Griffin reads this website, otherwise this sale would never have happened and Vince Orza would still be drawing up new programming ideas with crayons on old unused Garfield's tablecloths. That wouldn't end well.
Anyway, since Mr. Griffin is looking for new shows, Spencer and I came up with a list of some locally produced programs we'd like to see on the channel they should call Freedom 52. If someone can forward this to Tony Welch, we'd appreciate it.
Here they are:

1. Win Kelly Ogle's 2 Cents!
It'll be like Win Ben Stein's Money, except you have to guess Kelly's opinion on such topics as: Vegans, ISIS, and FUPA's. The winner is awarded $0.02, which after taxes is about $0.01. - Spencer

2. The Lovers Lounge with Playboy Joe Dorman
Looking to impress that single lady at the bar? Want to know the perfect way to talk your girlfriend into a threesome? Are you a lonely fireman who's feeling a strong disconnect from your fiance? Get answers to those questions and more with Freedom 52's late night talk show – The Lovers Lounge with Playboy Joe Dorman. Each week, the Playboy politician and a special guest will answer your emails and phone calls by offer dating advice and sexy bedroom tips. It will be sponsored by Patricia's. - Patrick

3. How to Be Happy with Bobbie Miller
I'm not sure what it is about Bobbie Miller, but she makes it seem like everything is going to be alright. She's cute, happy and one of my favorite anchors. Hell, they could make a show called, "Stepping in Dog Poo with Bobbie Miller," where it's just Bobbie's optimistic attitude after stepping in poo, and I'd watch it. Seriously, I'll paint a portrait of the first person to send me a picture of Bobbie Miller looking sad. - Spencer

4. Those Terrible Twisters
This would be easy. Every Friday night, KSBI would simply air an old VHS or DVD of Gary England's Those Terrible Twisters. Preferably one from Watonga or Ponca City. They could even throw in old Gary England weather school segments:
5. Little Bit of JoJo
This will be a simple reality show that chronicles the life and times of straight shootin', high pollutin', tilt-a-whirl ridin' Joleen Chaney.

6. What's That Smell!?!
In this game show, contestants will be blindfolded and have to guess the smell on Ed Murray's fingers. Did he just eat gyro, or was he playing in his belly button? Bonus round: guess what he ate at Braum's by following him into the bathroom. - Spencer

7. Cleveland County Today with Gan Matthews
Let's be honest. News 9 has struggled with its coverage of Cleveland County ever since they got rid of Gan Matthews. Although Gan is now enjoying the easy-going, simple life of a gardening Gnome, I bet they could talk him out of retirement pretty easily. - Patrick

8. Today's Buzz
It will be very similar to the show aired on KSBI titled, "The Daily Buzz." But instead of pretty people from Hollywood talking about shit that doesn't matter, it will be a live video feed of News 9 production staff being day-drunk. - Spencer

9. Marry, Fuck, Kill with Steve Shaw
This will air after The Lovers Lounge and simply feature Steve Shaw playing a game of marry, fuck, kill with strangers on the street. Since Steve Shaw already does that, it wouldn't take much to produce it. - Patrick

10. KSBI Movie Club with BJ Wexler
Channel 9 has a history of poaching talent from other channels. Since KFOR's Two Movie Guys lack talent (ZING!), they should steal BJ Wexler from Channel 13. They can make some changes to improve the show, and maybe lower the average viewer age to under 75. The only thing I ask is that they don't get rid of the Gremlin's song as theme music. - Patrick

11. Is This An "OK" State or What With Adrianna Iwasinski
Each week, Adrianna Iwasinksi will highlight certain parts of Oklahoma that help you remember what an "OK" (get it) state we live in." Well, at least that will be the plan. I bet each segment will end with Adrianna attending a local murder mystery dinner. – Patrick

12. Naked Hunting with Lacey Swope
"Dating Naked" and "Naked and Afraid" are two of the hottest reality shows on TV. Well, at least they are when you're writing copy about them. Anyway, I'm sure that a show where Lacey Swope tracks bucks and does it with nothing but a bow and arrow and her birthday suit would get ratings. Then, as a response, Emily Sutton will have to chase storms in a bikini. It's a win-win for everyone. - Patrick

13. TLO Trivia Night with Spencer and Patrick
This will be an awesome show where we ask trivia questions to drunk people in between talk about fantasy football, hot chicks and Oklahoma politics. It may suck, but it will still be funnier than Big Bang Theory. - Spencer
Anyway, those are our ideas. Share your own in the comments.