The two brahs pictured above are Jon Ohlman and Cody Hudson. The incredibly stupid duo was arrested on Sunday after they were caught spraying either doe urine or Coors Light on thousands of dollars of merchandise at an Owasso Walmart. Authorities are still trying to figure out which one it was.
Via News 9:
Owasso police arrested two men they say sprayed doe urine on merchandise at a Walmart Sunday afternoon.
Officers caught up with Cody Hudson, 18, and Jon Ohlman, 24, in a parking lot across the street from the Walmart on 96th Street North.
Walmart employees told police that the men had sprayed the urine on fabrics, shoes and toys in the store.
The damage is estimated to be around $2,800.
Four other men also with the pair were questioned and released.
Both Hudson and Ohlman were booked into the Tulsa County jail on complaints of malicious injury to property. Jail records show both bonded out of jail with a court appearance set for September 15, 2014.
There has to be a logical explanation for this. Maybe they bought some cheap cologne in the parking lot and were trying to get rid of it, or better yet, perhaps they're just a couple of diehard OSU fans who were trying to meet girls. There is a reason they have doe urine dispensers at The Tumbleweed, right?
Okay, okay, I'm just joking around Angry Joe OSU Fan. I know that 80% of you don't like the smell of deer piss. And in all fairness, the city of Norman does keep a herd of deer around to pee in the city's water supply each night. In fact, that could be where the guys got the urine.
Anyway, don't you think people are overreacting here? Walmart already smells like human pee and ammonia, so who cares if these guys were spraying a little doe urine on things? Like anyone is going to notice. It would be like getting in trouble for spraying Febreze inside the Yankee Candle Store.