"Ladies first!" say captains of sinking ships, old people and Dr. Ruth. Well, this time we're naming "Worst Anchorman" before "Worst Anchorwoman", so take that, adage!
Your nominees are:
Kelly Ogle
Kevin Ogle
Paul Folger
Stan Miller
Wendell Edwards
You can vote which one of these gentlemen is the worst, which in a way is voting for the remaining four the best. Or at least-least worst, which how every (Editor's Note: three) woman I've dated would describe me. Self deprecation!

Wendell Edwards
KOCO Channel 5
The picture above is of a dashing young news anchor ready to bring you the most pressing news items of the day. Unfortunately that picture is also one of a panicked human who realized he did this on live tv. Even though it's been years, I still think it matters.

Paul Folger
KOCO Channel 5
Watching Paul Folger deliver the news at night is like watching the waiter at a restaurant that typically closes at 10 have to serve people who walked in at 9:55. It's the guy's job, and he does it, but he does not want to be there at all and it shows. You can fake a lot of things, but not wanting to be at work isn't one of them especially when a box that broadcasts your face to thousands of people is pointed at your head.

Stan Miller
KWTV Channel 9
If a machine existed that cranked out what a typical local news anchor should be it would probably be called the "StanMiller 5000". He's amiable, delivers the news and is a handsome gentleman. However, if a machine existed that cranked out guys your mom decided to date after your dad left and she hit 50, it also would probably be called the "StanMiller 5000".

Kelly Ogle
KWTV Channel 9
Kelly reads the news in the way an adult would explain to a child something complicated. It's as though every word he reads off the prompter is one he's not sure how to pronounce and he 's stunned he's having to read any of it but maintains a steady tone that sounds like he's just this side of losing his mind. Then there's the "My 2 Cents" commentaries which should just be renamed the "The best way to get old people to call in and somehow connect the water supply problem to cattle in rural OK to gay marriage, cents."

Kevin Ogle
KFOR Channel 4
Kevin Ogle has only two ways of delivering the news. If it's even slightly bad he reads it as though it is the single worst thing he's witnessed as a human. If it's not all bad he'll deliver the news as though he's thinking to himself about that episode of The Andy Griffith Show where Barney did that one thing and so he smiles to himself and shakes his head at Barney's antics while reading about a cat pageant in Prague.
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