Welcome to our annual ranking of the 20 Hottest Women in the Oklahoma City News Media. We originally wanted to post this list in May, but then the tornado happened, an Oklahoman reporter was arrested, another tornado happened, and some weatherman told people to flee the storm. I guess you can say it was a busy and terrible month.
Because 90% of the Internet is filled with perverted lonely men or judgemental bitter women, this is one of our most anticipated annual features. When we started the series in 2008, it was done more as a joke and to provide satirical commentary on that vanity and state of TV news. It's still kind of works that way, but now people seem to care about the list and we have to take it semi-seriously. That means I had to spend four hours of my weekend on Facebook callously judging and scrutinizing the hottest reporters and anchors this town has to offer. And I did it all for you, the TLO reader.
Before we get to the 2013 rankings, let's take a look at the ladies from 2012 who have either moved away or left the media. This year we went all out and made a creepy "In Memoriam" tribute video for them.
That was sweet.
Today we're going to review 20 - 16. Overall, there some new names and faces on (and off) this year's list. We didn't even know a lot these ladies existed until this past weekend. That probably means we're either slipping, growing up, or depended too much on an apparent stalker to deliver us updates on hot anchors and reporters. It has to be one of the three.
Here we go:

20. Courtney Francisco
Reporter / KFOR Channel 4
20 is always the toughest spot to choose. This year it could have gone to several young ladies, but we went with Courtney Francisco. That's because she's cute, but perhaps more importantly, because it's fun to say her full name. She probably gets that a lot. If you were to introduce Courtney to your friends, you wouldn't say "This is my friend Courtney," you'd say "This is my friend Courtney Francisco!" Seriously, it's an awesome name. I'm sure there's a rejected TV pilot floating around Hollywood about a stay-at-home mom turned hardened LA homicide detective named Courtney Francisco!

19. Meg Alexander
Anchor, KFOR Channel 4
Even though she seems kind of mean, yells a lot, and kind of annoys Marisa and everyone else, we decided to make Meg our honorary nominee from the Senior Circuit. She barely edged out Robin Marsh and, uhm, Linda Cavanaugh for that honor. Actually, Meg is cute for a middle-aged mom / Ayn Rand fan. As one of the pics above proves, she can wear a little black (or navy) dress with the best of them. If she wasn't married and going to soccer matches on the weekends, she'd be an awesome cougar.

18. Abigail Ogle
Reporter / KSBI Channel 52
I had no clue where to rank Abigail Ogle. In any other market she'd probably be top 5, but I still can't get over the fact that she looks like an Ogle. This is what I wrote back in 2012:
Sure, she’s nice, tall and attractive in a girl superhero type of way, but then again, she also has some of the features of an Ogle brother. I know that’s because her dad and uncles are Ogle brothers, but still, it makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s like dating a girl, meeting her parents, and then realizing that she kind of looks like her dad. Is it a deal breaker? Probably not. Does it haunt you for a few weeks? Probably so.
In addition to all that, I feel a little bit awkward ogling (sorry) Abigail Ogle. Something about it is incestuous. My helicopter blogger instincts are to nurture and protect her, not gawk. Hell, in a perfect world, we wouldn’t even acknowledge her existence.
Despite recent efforts to abandon her Ogle heritage and look more like Morgan Woolard, I still feel the same way about Abby. Plus, her tweets to all her fake Twitter followers still weirds me out.

17. Lisa Monahan
Anchor / Reporter, KWTV Channel 9
If you're an aspiring news reporter, anchor or young naive production intern and want to crack this list, try posting pics of you in a swimsuit or I Tornado Gary England shirt. That always helps the cause. Better yet, just email the pics directly to us... especially if you're the young naive production intern.
Anyway, Lisa is pretty cool. I think I've bought her a shot at Henry Hudsons several years ago. Yeah, she goes to Henry Hudsons. She's one of those girls. Plus, she gave us great material when she took all those pics of local radio stars.

16. Lauren Nelson
Anchor / KWTV Channel 9
I was going to post some of the yellow bikini pics of Lauren Nelson from when she won Miss America, but that was six years ago and before she was pregnant and morphed into a bible school teacher and coupon collector that enjoys The Cheesecake Factory.
You know what, screw it. Just like Bob Stoops, we'll let Lauren live on past accomplishments.

Check out the site tomorrow for 15 - 11.