For the past year or so, KSBI Channel 52 has produced some weird show called Oklahoma Live! It airs each day at 1:00pm and is primarily watched by old women who can't locate their remotes, Abigail Ogle and stoners who think they are watching a long, elaborate and frighteningly realistic SNL sketch.
Anyway, I've never actually watched an entire episode of the show, but it looks like that may change. We learned through the Ogle Mole Network that Alex Wehrley, Miss Wisconsin USA 2009, has been hired as the new host of the program. In fact, her first show is today. I think she'll be replacing Drew Schroeder of "Drew and Kasey, Too" fame, who will be taking a leave of absence to figure out why he can't open his eyes.
From the Rockford Star:
Alex Wehrley, morning anchor for 13 News Today at WREX in Rockford, is leaving that post to host the early afternoon Oklahoma Live! show on KSBI in Oklahoma City...
Wehrley, 25, has been at WREX as morning show anchor since February 2011. She was Miss Wisconsin USA 2009 and holds a degree in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
She said her most memorable assignment at WREX was when she rode a roller coaster at Six Flags Great America while being filmed and talking into the camera.
Wow, this is the best thing Vince Orza's done since he closed all the Garfield's in Oklahoma City! If they can get Alex to dress like a cheerleader, nurse or innocent broke girl with car trouble, I may have to start watching this. And you no what, Vince could probably convince her to do it! Hell, he's already convinced her to move to Oklahoma to take an obscure TV job. He should win some Journal Record award for that. Either Vince Orza's an amazing salesman (a.k.a. liar) or Alex Wehrley's extremely naive and desperate to get into TV. Considering her career highlight is riding a roller coaster, I think both are kind of true.
Anyway, if you're still reading this and haven't already jumped to the pics, I scoured the Internet for some photos of Alex. I found her Facebook Page, Model Mayhem page and Adult Friend Finder profile. Ok, just kidding about the last one. If you ask me, she's Liz Dueweke hot. Lets just hope she's not vain and spends her days pandering for compliments on Twitter.
Here are the pics:

(I don't know how they do things in Wisconsin, but is that the strangest modeling pose you've ever seen? If I saw someone standing against a building like that in Downtown OKC, I'd call the police and a janitor.)

(I don't know how they do things in Miami, but is that the second strangest modeling pose you've ever seen? If I saw some man chasing a girl on the exotic shores of Lake Hefner, I'd call the police and a janitor.)

She should meet Cardboard Jim Traber.
Anyway, we wish Alex the best of luck at KSBI. If she ever wants to talk about the struggles of the new job and vent and complain over lots of vodka, she can always contact us on Twitter.