What happens when you take Cardboard Kendrick Perkins, a jovial man with a piano, a happy girl with large jugs, and then introduce them to the world's saddest old lady at an assisted living center?
No, it doesn't give Aubrey McClendon an erection (or maybe it does). It actually just prompts someone to video the thing with their phone and upload it to YouTube:
Uhm, is anyone else now extremely terrified of getting old? Sure, it's nice that old people can enjoy the Thunder and 2% milk and everything, but seriously, if I ever get to the point in life where a cardboard cutout of Kendrick Perkins, a weirdo with a keyboard, and a girl dancing around me with jugs of milk is the highlight of my day, please give me a rope, a chair, and knife to carve "Brooks was Here" on a board. Also, give me a year's supply of Jenni Carlson columns for extra motivation.
Also, I know that slightly different footage of this event was posted on With Leather and some other site, but I like this version better. For one, it's kind of funny that the girl with the jugs is humping Blanche or Rose or Phyllis or whatever the old lady's name is. Plus, the girl with the jugs is kind of cute. Although it kind of weirds me out a bit that she looks like my ex-sister in law. Hell, she may be my ex-sister-in-law for all I know. Now I feel dirty.
p.s. - Sorry about the random picture of Kate Upton with Aubrey McClendon. It's been a while since we led a post with it, and she has large jugs, so I thought it would be appropriate.