The girl pictured above and wearing a black bra is Christina Fallin. She is the daughter of some lady named Mary Fallin. You may know of Mary because she is the governor of the state of Oklahoma.
We have learned that Christina is marrying the dude on the right — Matt Bacon — in Ireland on Thursday. The ceremony will take place at the 15th century Ballyhannon Castle and Coach House and be immediately followed by a reception at the Dromoland Castle. After that, the couple will hunt foxes, dance with leprechauns and float down a pristine brook on a small raft made of four-leaf clovers and hay.
Anyway, the reason we know all this is because the couple has a wedding page. We highlight our five favorite things from this page after the jump.
First of all, if you want to check out their page on you own, you can visit the site here (Update: The Wedding Page has been made private). Then you can learn all about the bride, groom, their rich parents, etc. Here's our five favorite things about the site:
1. The Engagement Pictures
The engagement pictures of Christina and Matt are probably the best things on their wedding site. Here they are:

Hey, give the couple credit, at least their engagement pictures aren't ghey and boring like 99.999999% of all other engagement photos. In fact, it's kind of refreshing to see engagement photos of some affluent über cool goth chick wearing a push-up bra and standing next to some too-cool-for-school hipster guy who's humming Bravery songs in his head to keep him calm.
Seriously, if not for the boats, water and the lush mountains in the background, I would think these pictures were taken at Kamp's on a Friday night. And on that note, where were these pictures taken? It sure isn't Lake Hefner. Per Christina's mom, I thought we were all supposed to spend our vacations in state this year. I guess that doesn't apply to relatives of the Governor.

2. Meet the Groom
The lucky groom is Matt Bacon. Here's his bio:
Matthew Bacon is 31 years old and is a partner in an oil and gas company. Matt is also obtaining his degree at the University of Oklahoma. He is passionate about his work, music, art and design. He is also the care taker of Christina and Matt's dog, Scruffy. He is a self proclaimed "Renaissance"
So lets see, the guy is 31 years old, still in school, and a partner in an oil and gas company. That probably means Matt is a hard worker and shrewd negotiator who has worked his way up from the oil fields to being a partner in an energy company and is now going to school at nights to earn a degree and learn to better manage his business. Or Matt has a trust fund.

3. How they met
No, Christina did not order Matt out of the Hipster Handbook. She found her "Renaissance" man the old-fashioned way...while his band was performing at a concert.
When Christina was 19 years old, she went to The Stock Market Crash's show with her friend J.J. Dabirian. She vividly remembers watching Matt perform on stage; she thought to herself that the singer, Matt, was wild and animated and wondered how any girl could date a guy like that. After his performance, Matt later strolls over and asks J.J. to introduce him to Christina. Matt can still recall what Christina was wearing that night as he was fascinated by her Chanel scarf. They exchanged a few words with subtle, shy smiles in between and parted ways. It wasn't too much long after that Matt began to show up at Christina's hangout. Matt walked up to Christina on one of the nights and said "when you decide to break up with your boyfriend, give me a call" as he slipped her his number. Christina was confused by his forwardness and arrogance, but eventually became impressed by it. They exchanged texts for a week and she quickly broke up with her boyfriend and started dating Matt... and the rest is history!
Wow. That may be the most brilliant piece of prose ever written!
Seriously, I can visualize Matt acting all "wild and animated" on the stage, and then noticing that skinny waif girl in the crowd with the Chanel scarf. I can then picture the couple interacting after the show, and while cautiously sipping on their PBRs like a couple of nervous Democrats at a Chamber of Commerce meeting, exchanging a few words about the new Interpol CD and the American Apparel V-necks.
I can also vividly imagine Matt showing up at Christina's hang-out — I would guess either Kamps, the Drunken Fry or S&B Burger Joint — and then with the brash confidence that only the lead singer of a locally well-known band (or athlete or rich dude) could have, whisper "When you decide to break up with your boyfriend, give me a call."
Wait. Actually that's a pretty good move. Now that I'm a local D-list celebrity blogger and trivia host maybe I can try it out on my own. Here it goes:
"Hey Joleen Chaney / Jessica Schambach / 1992 Kathy Ireland / Random Hot Girl at Trivia Night, when you decide to break up with your husband or boyfriend or are just feeling kind of lonely, why don't you hit me up on Twitter."
Hmmn. Doesn't have the same ring to it. Maybe it's time I get our houseband Powerlines Down back together and we go on tour. We haven't been the same since Clark Matthews said he was done with the slap bass.
Also, Matt was apparently the singer of the now defunct Stock Market Crash. When they broke up, a couple of guys from that band went out and created the decent, yet over-hyped, local band Pretty Tight Jeans Black Chains.

For those who don't know, I tried the whole marriage experiment once from August of 2005 through July of 2007. I think the best part about the experiment was during the engagement when I got to walk around Target and JC Penny with a scanner and pick out all the things I wanted.
It looks like Matt and Christina missed that joy because they are registered at someplace called On a Whim and the home everyone's favorite Christmas carol BC Clark. So, if you want to buy the couple a $1,200 Versace Butterfly Garden Soup Tureen, feel free. If that's out of your budget, instead go after the $175 Waterford Lismore Nouveau Petite Pitcher.
Anyway, since I'm a non-comformist, I'll probably just get them a Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card, something from Build-a-Bear or matching Chanel scarves.

5. The Oklahoma Wedding Reception
Sometime in late July the couple will have a Wedding Reception at the Governor's Mansion. Some questions:
1. What are the odds that one of Matt's old bandmates yells "I'm a Golden God!" and jumps in the pool?
2. What are the odds that the Oklahoma Highway Patrol provides security?
3. What are the odds that Gary England and a flash mob team up to recreate the wedding reception scene from "November Rain."
4. What are the odds that someone sends pictures from this event?
5. What are the odds that the reception is catered by McDonalds?
Anyway, in all seriousness, we wish the couple the best of luck in this new chapter in their life. We hope they have a long, happy and healthy marriage. We also hope they form a husband and wife indie rock band. We're always looking for new material.