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Law and Order

About the guy who pretended he was autistic so babysitters would change his diaper…

The most viewed article on NewsOK this weekend was about a 4' 9" Oklahoma City man who wore diapers and pretended to be autistic so he could pay baby sitters $40 to feed him from a bottle and change his diaper.  And no, it wasn't Brent Skarky.


Mark Anthony Richardson Jr., 21, twice this year fooled baby sitters into watching him at their homes in Oklahoma City, police reported. The baby sitters told police he would get sexually aroused when they cleaned him while changing his diapers, police said. 

Police said he grabbed the breast of one baby sitter's 18-year-old daughter during an overnight stay in September. Her mother told her "to go back to sleep because he did not know what he was doing," police reported...

Prosecutors allege Richardson found his victims from baby-sitting ads placed online at Craigslist. "This bizarre crime is yet another example of the dangers of letting individuals who we meet online into our homes," Oklahoma County Assistant District Attorney Jimmy Harmon said Friday.

Richardson was caught when his last baby sitter became suspicious after he stayed repeatedly at her family's home in September.

The woman told police her 18-year-old daughter had placed the online ad. She said a man "” using the name "David" "” called about watching his autistic son, "Alex." Police reported the caller described the son as 19 and said he still wears diapers, drinks formula from a bottle and uses a pacifier.

Police now believe the caller was Richardson. The woman chose to baby-sit "Alex" instead of letting her daughter.

The woman reported "Alex" first arrived at the house in a taxi at 2 one morning and stood on the porch saying "4121" over and over. The number is the start of the family's street address.  He had $40 and a typed note from "David" that he needed to be fed, according to a police report of her interview. He was wearing a soiled diaper and very old clothes. He also had a backpack with diapers, ointment, a bottle and a pacifier.

The woman said that on that first night she changed his diaper and got him clean clothes. 

She said she read him a bedtime story because he kicked and screamed when she put him in bed.

She said she gave him a bottle with baby formula which he drank "with a straight face." She later gave him a bottle of Kool-Aid.

She reported that during most stays he would not be still when she changed his diapers.

"He would get up and run around the house. She would have to catch him to finish putting his diaper back on," police reported.

The only thing that would make this story better is if  the guy also rode around on a unicycle while juggling bowling pins, demanded that he watch The People's Court, or better yet, convinced the babysitters to attempt to spin straw into gold.   Of course, it would also be cool if he had a public Facebook page, which he does.

Unfortunately, though, Mark's Facebook is pretty boring.  He's just one of those people that populates your wall with Farmville and Mafia Land updates.  In all honesty, those people don't bother me very much because they are easy to ignore.  They are much better than those who post hundreds of pictures of their kids, link to boring videos and leave cheesy vaguebook status updates designed to get attention and make their ex jealous.

Hell, even the pictures on Mark's page are kind of boring.  I'm not sure what I expected to see, but for a guy who pretended he was autistic so that women would change his diaper, three to four camera phone self portraits and a lo-res picture in front of a car are disappointing. 

Since that's the case, we decided to crudely Photoshop Mark into some pictures that have appeared on The Lost Ogle over the past three or four years.  The first couple are below, the rest are after the jump.  They are much more entertaining.

As a bonus, if you can correctly identify who's in the real version of each picture, you win a Regular Jim Traber baseball card autographed by Cardboard Jim Traber.  








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