I don't know about you, but I'm starting to think that we need to get more affluent female college-aged Democrats to run for public office. Just check out this adorable screen shot from Emily Virgin's Facebook Page.

Usually when people tell us to suck on something we take offense, but this time we are kind of flattered. I just wish she would have saved it for this other picture of her and Emily and friends. Check it out below/after the jump.

If it's not too obvious, I guess we should point out that the girl in the gray dress is the same girl who wrote "Suck on that, Lost Ogle" on Emily's Facebook page. I guess our follow-up question to that comment is "Where do we sign up?" or as Dean Blevins would probably say, "How soon?"
Anyway, good luck to Emily Virgin on Tuesday's election. She and all of her friends have our 100% endorsement. In fact, we'll even host the Campaign Victory Party After-Party. Jello shots and Pink Flirtinis for everyone!
Update: Please keep the comments somewhat classy. Don't want to have to close the thread