The pics above were emailed to us through the Ogle Mole Network. Here's what the Mole wrote:
I was trying to watch the Rose Bowl (okay, I was nodding off) and my wife asked me to turn over to the local news (KFOR)...as I was watching I thought I saw something behind Lance West as he was reporting on the Rose Bowl Parade so I went back with my DVR...check out the message at the bottom of the screen over his shoulder....
They'd been showing different footage from the Rose Bowl Parade...when they came back to the studio showing Lance West as he finished his script, the monitor behind him (where the messages show) was just as you see it in the photo --the first message was the "take it in the a--" then it faded and was replaced by the "punk!" message..I've still got it on my DVR
I don't know about you, but if I worked at a Channel 4 and was called in to the HR office today, I'd be a bit worried. Hell, I bet Scott Hines is already combing the newsroom floor with a magnifying glass searching for clues.