From a reader email:
Hey guys, love the blog. My name's ????? and I'm a 20-year-old student at UCO. Anyway, driving around east Edmond lost and trying to find the Wal-Mart, I came across this neighborhood just north of 2nd Street on Coltrane. Maybe it'd give you guys a laugh, I don't know.
For those who can't read it, the name of the neighborhood is "Morning Wood." And to answer our reader's email, yes, it definitely gave us a laugh. This is probably because we are insanely juvenile.
There are probably a million bad jokes to go with this post, but I'm too tired and it's too late to really think of or connect any of them. For example, there has to be a joke about old men walking their dogs through the neighborhood in the morning, and if maybe they bring along a strategically placed book to hide something. Or there could be a joke about Bob Barry Jr. maybe living in the neighborhood, but even the Bob Barry Jr. jokes are getting old.
Anyway, if you can think of any funny one liner "” maybe a tagline for Morning Wood "” leave it in the comments. Winner gets a peice of cake.