The other day, a reader sent an email that pointed us to the Department of Corrections page for Mike Burgess, the former Custer County Sheriff . You may remember Mike as the guy who tried to turn the Custer County Jail into a real life late night "Women in Prison" flick on Cinemax. Here's his mug shot:

I'll you what, if those pictures aren't a great reminder to not do anything that will get you locked up in jail for 9-million years - or at least until 2082 - I'm not sure what is. Seriously, before this guy lost his mind and moral compass, he looked like your regular old hillbilly sheriff. Now he just looks like a sad, pathetic, rejected man, or as we call them around here, a Sports Animal fan.
Anyway, I guess the moral to all this is don't do anything too stupid that will get you sent to jail. And if for some reason you do, don't get caught.