So, I stumbled across the graphic below at Apparently, it is an ad/link that promotes the newspaper's free online classified section.
Unless you're really naive, you may have noticed that The Oklahoma Gazette decided to use an image of an old farmer holding a big white "For Sale" sign in front of a questionable looking crop to promote it's free online classifieds. Now...I'm not sure if the Gazette's Web Developer has a great sense of humor (and a lot of pot for sale), or if this was just another passive aggressive attempt by the staff to show the people at Look at OKC the stuff they continue to get away with, but what I do know is this:
If the Gazette is supposed to be cool and alternative, couldn't they at least use modern stock photography?
Anyway, because I'm so handsome, I'm not going to bother answering that philosophical question. Instead, I'll just point you the picture of the farmer turned realtor at I'll even give you a link tothe image collectionthat the picture came from. If you're lazy and don't feel like going to, I posted some of the better ones"“along with some local businesses and the people who could possible use them"“after the jump. And I did this because I'm handsome.
Department of Human Services
Oklahoma City Farmers Public Market
Habana Inn Conference Center
Cafe Nova
Bobby Burbridge Lane Foundation
The Petroleum Club
Edmond Public Schools
Downtown YMCA
Oklahoma Blog Awards
Phillips-McFall Law Firm
Oklahoma City Community College
Brent Skarky's MySpace Page
Okay, I'll admit. A few of the pictures above didn't come from, but they did come from the Internet. That's close enough for us.