During Monday night's 10pm news broadcast, KWTV News 9 set down with OU legend Barry Switzer to discuss the SAE racism video. Barry brought along his good friend – SAE house mom Beauton Gilbow. She was shocked by the behavior displayed in the SAE bus video.
Via News 9:
“I don't know what I'm doing. I mean, I'm in shock,” Beauton Gilbow, the SAE House Mother said.
“Did you ever get any indication there was anything like this going on?” News 9's Kelly Ogle asked.
“No, no, no. Never heard the song,” Gilbow responded.
“What about … what are you saying to the members who come through?” Ogle asked.
“Just goodbye,” Gilbow said...
Well, she couldn't have been in too much shock.
Last night, we were tipped off to a Vine from 2013 showing an obviously intoxicated Ms. Gilbow repeatedly using the N-word while trying to rap to what we (and Shazam) think is the Trinidad James song "All Gold Everything."
Here's the video:
First of all, we should probably note that after the bus video become a global news story, over $6,000 had been raised for Ms. Gilbow on Go Fund Me. That Go Fund Me Page has now mysteriously disappeared.
On a scale of 1 - 10, I'm honestly not sure where this falls on the racism scale. Technically, she is just rapping the lyrics to the song, but...
1. That's why white people have the word "Nuh" in our vocabulary.
2. She was just repeating the N-word over and over again like she was a 2-year-old learning a new word. She didn't rap any other lyrics to the song.
Anyway, it's shocking to learn that the little old southern lady who cleans up after racist frat boys may also have some racism and extremely poor judgement inside her. Okay, I'm obviously joking. This is just another black eye for our state and all the normal non-racists people out there. Maybe she and Barry Switzer can head over to News 9 and discuss it tomorrow morning.
Update: Ms. Gilbow, also known as Mamma B, was also interviewed by KOCO Channel 5...