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Christina Fallin’s art gallery has closed…

christina fallin sloan

It's been a rough couple of months for Hipster Boo Boo.

Not only has she been kicked out of her trailer and split with her boyfriend and bandmate Steve Battles, but apparently her "entrepreneurial" project – The Sloan International Art Gallery (SIG) – has closed. It lasted a little over the six months, which coincidentally, is the average length of Christina's two marriages!

Haha! Zing! I'm just joking around. There's nothing wrong with a brief marriage. I was married for 18-months during a period I like to call the "The Nazarene Experiment." It happens.

Anyway, news of the closing was buried in a Joan Gilmore column in The Journal Record:

Joy shares art

The Carnegie Centre, Judy Hatfield’s newest downtown venture, was the setting for a showing of contemporary art by Joy Richardson. The cocktail party, co-hosted by Linda Howell and her art gallery, drew lovers of Joy’s imaginative and colorful paintings.

Not only did guests have the opportunity to see and purchase art, they also had a chance to visit two condominiums, also contemporary in styling. Others are available, so if you want to move a historic building with really great neighbors, give Judy a call.

Incidentally, the Sloan Installation Gallery that opened on the first floor has closed. The exciting glass and mirror feature in the art gallery has been sold to a French connoisseur. Too bad. It was fun to step into it and see yourself at about a hundred different angles. Or maybe not.

Wow, it's kind of cool to see Joan Gilmore incidentally report some news. Along with Helen Ford Wallace and Peggy Gandy, she's probably my favorite Oklahoma-based journalist. In fact, I had a really weird dream a few weeks ago that I ran into Joan and Helen Ford Wallace at the Boulevard Cafeteria. We were all in line selecting various flavors of Jell-O and... well... I'll just leave the rest of that dream to myself.

Anyway, let's be honest, I don't think anyone expected SIG to be open very long. The gallery was apparently managed and curated by Christina's ex-boyfriend Steven Battles. I've heard rumors that they may be getting back together, but either way, I'd imagine it's hard to work with an ex, much less a guy who poses for photos like this in The Gazette:

steve battles sig

If Hipster Boo Boo is the Paris Hilton / Kim Kardashian of Oklahoma City, I'm pretty sure Steven Battles is the G.O.B. He's arrogant, egotistical and has no self-awareness. He also probably moonlights as a magician and has a racially insensitive puppet that wears a headdress.

With all that being said, this news is sad. Unless they are named Gary's Chicaros, Tate Publishing or OG&E, I never root for business to fail. Thank goodness Christina is a wealthy trust fund kid who owns a nice trailer and her failed business won't impact her finances, future or globetrotting lifestyle, otherwise she would be in trouble. We don't want that for our Hipster Boo Boo!

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